When They Ring Those Golden Bells
lyrics and chords
country classic song lyrics are the property of the respective
artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational
purposes and private study only. The chords provided are my
interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.
When They Ring Those Golden Bells lyrics and chords are provided for
your personal use only, this is a very pretty country gospel recorded
by Sonny James.
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When They Ring Those Golden Bells Recorded by Sonny James Written by Dion DeMarbelle and Archie Campbell
C There's a land beyond the river F C That we call the sweet forever G7 And we only reach that shore by faith's decree C One by one we'll gain the portals F C There to dwell we'll be immortals F C G7 C When they ring those golden bells for you and me
F Don't you hear the bells now ringing C Don't you hear the angels singing G7 Tis a glory hallelujah jubilee C In that far off sweet forever F C Just beyond the shining river F C G7 C When they ring those golden bells for you and me
When our days shall know their number F C When in death we'll sweetly slumber G7 When the King commands the spirit to be free C Never more with anguish laden F C We shall reach that lovely Eden F C G7 C When they ring those golden bells for you and me
Repeat #2
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This software was developed by John Logue.