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The Big One Got Away lyrics and chords

These country classic song lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords provided are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.

The Big One Got Away lyrics and chords are intended for your personal use only, it's a very good song recorded by Hank Thompson.


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The Big One Got Away
Recorded by Hank Thompson
Written by Hank Thompson and Presley Lewis

G A7
Some people have a way of tellin' things that couldn't be true
D7 G
I guess I'm one of those jokers because I've told a few
Like the guy that goes out fishin' you can always hear him say
C E7 D7 G
I gotta few bites but my luck wasn't right and the big one got away

Now I like to go out fishin' for the different kind of fish you see
A7 D7
Collectin' beautiful women that's the kind of sport for me
G A7
But I lost my blue ribbon baby like the fisherman I'm gonna say
C E7
I had her right in my lap but the line must have snapped
D7 G
And the big one got away

I've got a way with women I know the right bait to toss
D7 G
I know where to cast my lure for sure and get my line across
Well I really snagged a rare one I wish you could have seen her play
C E7 D7 G
I came very near to the catch of the year but the big one got away

I knew I hooked a dandy when that beauty took a hold of my line
A7 D7
What a trophy to sit by my fireside just to show the friends of mine
G A7
Well she took my hook line and sinker but I couldn't reel her in to stay
C E7 D7 G
I can catch my limit of everyday beauties but the big one got away
D7 G
But the big one got away


If you want to change the "Key" on any song, click here for the easiest way possible. Copy and paste lyrics and chords to the key changer, select the key you want, then click the button "Click Here". If the lyrics are in a long line, first paste to Microsoft Word or a similar word processor, then recopy and paste to key changer. This software was developed by John Logue.    




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The Big One Got Away lyrics and chords
