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That's Where I Belong lyrics and chords

These country classic song lyrics are the property of the respective artist, authors and labels, they are intended solely for educational purposes and private study only. The chords provided are my interpretation and their accuracy is not guaranteed.

That's Where I Belong lyrics and chords are intended for your personal use only, it's a very good song recorded by Alan Jackson.


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That's Where I Belong
Written and recorded by Alan Jackson

C F G7 C F G7 C
When the frantic pace of life attacks me and weighs me to the ground
F G7 C F G7
I long for someplace to escape to the one place I have found
F G7 C F G7 C
No stoplights to obey no sign limits there
F G7 C F G7 C
Just drop the hook and make your home almost anywhere

G7 C G7 C
Where the sky meets the water where the wind is my song
G7 C F G7 C
Where the sun is my brother that's where I belong

F G7 C F G7 C
The gentle motion of the seas just rocks me off to sleep
F G7 C F G7
No sirens cars or screams just quiet ocean breeze
F G7 C F G7 C
A frigate bird encircles me a thousand feet above
F G7 C F G7 C
She dips her wing and bows her head like we share a common love

repeat #2

F G7 C F G7 C
When the moonlight cracks the edge of night and stars are everywhere
F G7 C F G7
I can taste the rum and coke and I can smell that salty air
F G7 C F G7 C
A light spray across my bow cools the evening sun
F G7 C F G7 C
As it slowly melts into the sea and tells me day is done

repeat #2

F G7 C F G7 C
When the common themes of life they come and overload my brain
F G7 C F G7
I steer my thoughts right to that place that takes me far away
F G7 C F G7 C
When the traffic fills that concrete path that takes me back and forth
F G7 C F G7 C
I usually sit and dream about that biggest piece of earth

repeat #2 x2

F G7 C F G7 C
Yeah that's where I belong oh that's where I belong


If you want to change the "Key" on any song, click here for the easiest way possible. Copy and paste lyrics and chords to the key changer, select the key you want, then click the button "Click Here". If the lyrics are in a long line, first paste to Microsoft Word or a similar word processor, then recopy and paste to key changer. This software was developed by John Logue.    




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That's Where I Belong lyrics and chords
